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Wardrobe Single Comfort Kompakt A101


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Comfortable cabinet suitable for swimming pools, wellness, special workplaces with high demands on aseptic environment, food processing plants, hospitals or for convenient storage of coats. Made of extremely durable HPL and aluminium elements.

The dimensions of the wardrobe A 101/30 (40) are standard: width 30 cm (40 cm), depth 50 cm, height 180 cm, height of the AL base 20 cm (total height of the assembly 200 cm). The cabinet is made of HPL (compact laminate board) 4 and 8 mm thick (body), 8 mm thick (door). The boards are embedded in aluminium profiles. HPL is a highly resistant material to water, chemicals, mechanical damage, used for highly loaded and frequented areas. The doors are fitted with a continuous hinge system, which increases the security of the cabinet and makes unwanted intrusion into the cabinet more difficult. Default colour finish: white body, doors in a choice of uni-colours, aluminium elements with anodised finish. The cabinet is equipped with: door number, top shelf, wardrobe bar. The lock is a separate delivery item according to the investor’s choice: mechanical, pin or electronic.

The cabinet can be customised on request.

The goods are shipped in standardized modules with 3 storage places. Modules can be customized as required (2 storage spaces).

Dimensions and weight of standardised modules A 101/30,

2 places : 600/1800/500mm, 50kg
3 places : 900/1800/500mm, 60kg

Dimensions and weight of standardised modules

A 101/40, 2 places : 800/1800/500mm 55kg
3 places : 1200/1800/500mm 65kg

The bases are packed separately.

As a rule, transport is not carried out on pallets.


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