

HPL Urinal Partitions

Urinal partitions crafted from HPL provide a standard solution for dividing spaces between urinals in restroom facilities, offering aseptic and waterproof properties.

In modern public restroom designs, urinal partitions play an integral role. When designing these dividers, we prioritize functionality and, most importantly, design, ensuring it complements the interior solution of the restroom facility. Urinal partitions enhance comfort and privacy.

For the production of urinal partitions and dividers, we utilize HPL (high-pressure laminate with melamine surface finish), a remarkably tough and durable material, even in moist environments with aseptic properties. When paired with stainless steel accessories, they present an ideal solution for sanitary spaces.

Glass Partitions

Modern ceramic digital printing technologies on flat glass enable the creation of a material with customizable options and hygienic qualities.

We craft designer glass urinal partitions and dividers with custom ceramic printing, envisioned by architects and designers using the latest ceramic printing technology on glass. This innovative approach seamlessly merges design and safety elements.

Our glass urinal partitions and dividers are constructed from printed and tempered (safety) glass, renowned for its extreme hardness, durability, and suitability for use in moist environments with aseptic properties. When accessorized with elegant stainless steel or aluminium, they epitomize an ideal solution for sanitary spaces in contemporary buildings.

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