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Coin lock Ojmar Z8101

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Coin back-up lock. These locks reduce key loss, easy to operate, replaceable security insert.

The entire range of coin locks is equipped with an interchangeable cylinder, which is an important security feature in case the key is lost or stolen. Key management locks allow the operator to unlock the cabinet if the customer loses the key – the master key. A removal key is important for replacing the insert or relocating it.

The Ojmar coin lock can be converted into a coin collecting lock by simply inserting the coin box. Paid service for the use of a locker or box.

Left/right variant

Variation of locks according to the advance coin:

5 Kč, 10 Kč, 20 Kč, 1€, 2€, 0,10 € , 0,20 €, 0,5€

Chip lock

Lock body length 110 mm

Lock body height 125 mm

Lock body thickness 17.5 mm

Shot dimensions 25 x 5 mm

Minimum door thickness 1 mm

Maximum door thickness 23 mm

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