Urban furniture of the capital city of Prague.

From November 2021 we have begun delivering glass components for the new urban FURNishings in the Czech Capital, Prague. Frajt / IMAGE GLASS was successful in an open tender which was announced by Prague’s DEPARTMENT OF TECHNOLOGY. The final design of the new bus stops and shelters was determined by an international design competition held in 2016, in which the winning design was submitted by Studio Olgoi Chorchoi.
The bus stops will come in approximately 7 variants.

The gradual replacement of about 700 bus stops will take place by mid-2023. Prague estimates the cost to almost 689 million CZK.

“Prague must have control over the so-called urban furnishings on its streets,” says Prague Mayor Zdeněk Hřib, adding: “There will also be a reduction in visual smog on other facilities on our streets.”

According to the chairman of the board of directors to the city’s THMP company, Tomáš Jílek, the public contract was open to the widest possible range of potential suppliers, who were also approached in preliminary market consultations. “Only the emphasis on economic qualification was maintained so that we could ensure delivery in the required quantity and time by a reasonably strong supplier. The concluded framework contract will allow us to gradually purchase the necessary quantity of furnishing components, including any spares, and the actual installation and replacement will then be in the hands of our staff,” explained Tomáš Jílek, adding that the contract will ensure the supply of shelters for up to four years and the subsequent purchase of spare parts.

“The complexity of this contract is not just about the technical solution or perfect production planning.
The installations are carried out in all weather conditions during normal operation in all parts of Prague in cooperation with a number of other suppliers. All this in during unprecedented market and supply chain fluctuations. The result is certainly worth it,” adds Pavel Baran, Sales Manager at Frajt.

We will keep you informed about interesting installations and selected Prague locations.